Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Wednesday lecture on WCN (1)

Hi friends. Since many people asked for lecture storage feature on WCN, and we still dont know when its going to be implemented, I decided to post short versions of my wendesday lectures in here.

15.june 2005
"Attacking the sicilian"

Today we`ll take a look at Boto-Bosnic game played back in 2001.

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Bc4 e6 7.Be3 Be7 8.Qe2 a6 9.0-0-0 Qc7 10.Bb3 0-0 11.Rhg1 Nd4

Nd4 is a bit risky here since Bd4 will have large attacking potential. After g4-g5, bishop will shoot on directly on g7.

12.Bd4 b5 13.g4 Nd7 14.g5 b4

Nd7 was good move by Black. White will play g5 and chase that N anyway. In this way Black is regrouping pieces before his opponent creates attack. However, 14....b4 is a mistake. Much better was Nc5 (to continue the plan started with Nd7), eliminating dangerous Bb3 if neccessary and preventing rook lift with Rd3.

15.Qh5! Ne5

15....bc3 16.Rd3 Rd8 17.g6! hg6 18.Rg6 - the end

16.f4! Ng6

Well, not to good since White gains tempo for f5 now. Still 16....bc3 Black is still worse, for example 17. fe5 cb2 18.Bb2 de5 19.Rd3 Bb7 20.g6! (20.Rh3 Be4 covering h7) hg6 21.Rg6 f6 22.Be6 Rf7 23.Qg6...

17.f5! Nf4 18.Qf3 e5

Looks like Black finally closed Bd4 diagonal and two White`s pieces are hanging. But, after moving e6 pawn, diagonal for Bb3 is wide open! So...

19.g6! bc3

If 19...hg6 by any chance, then 20.Qf4! ef4 21.Rg6 Rd8 22.Rg7 Kf8 23.Rdg1 Ke8 24.Bf7 Kd7 25.Be6 Kc6 26.Bd5 Kd7 27.Re7 Ke7 28.f6 Ke8 29.Rg8 Kd7 30.Rg7

20.Qf4!! Kh8

Black is still trying. 20....ef4 loses to 21.gf7 Rf7 22.Rg7 Kf8 23.Rf7 Ke8 24.f6!

21.gf7 Bf6 22.Rg7!!

Few people asked during the lecture why not 22.Qh6? Well, the idea is same, to open up g-file for Rg8 final strike. But after Qh6, Black is not forced to take! He can play Qe7 and resist. So the moral of this line is - always search for the most forced moves! Rg7 destroys pawns wall and creates direct threat Rg8. So, much more effective then nice-looking Qh6.

22....Bg7 23.f6! Qd8 24.Rg1 1-0

Nice final (quiet) move. fg7 mate is a threat and 24....Qf6 loses to 25.Qf6 Bf6 26.Rg8 with mate.

1 comment:

Milan Lee said...

I was roaming around, trying many different openings and what not. While you find an answer on that question, you can lose alot of precios time. So dont repeat my mistake! Best way is to pick two or three openings on each e4 and d4, and then analyse as many games as its possible (in these openings). Database can help, but its much better to have commentated games with both text and sidelines. I recommend "Chess Informant" editions if you have any chance to find them.