Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Anand rules Mainz again

GM Viswanathan Anand has defended his Rapid chess title in a match against GM Alexandar Grischuk. This was his fifth consecutive win in the Mainz Chess Classic tournament. Final score was 5-3.

After losing first two games, Grischuk did something quite strange. He also joined Ordix Open, one of the strongest rapid events ever, and this made his chess schedule to last from 10am till 10pm every day. Very hard even for the players in best possible physical shape. As he explained later, he didn`t win a game for more then three months and he desperatly wanted to restore his self-confidence.

Round 2
White: Anand,V 2788
Black: Grischuk,A 2720
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 Ng4 7. Bc1 Nf6 8. f3 Qb6 9. Nb3 e6 10. Bf4 Qc7 11. Qd2 Nc6 12. O-O-O Ne5 13. Kb1 Be7 14. Nd4 O-O 15. g4 b5 16. Qg2 b4 17. Nce2 Bb7 18. g5 Nfd7 19. h4 Qb6 20. Bc1 Nc5 21. h5 a5 22. Nf4 a4 23. g6 b3 24. h6 fxg6 25. hxg7 bxc2+ 26. Nxc2 Rxf4 27. Bxf4 a3 28. Bxe5 dxe5 29. b4 Na4 30. Rd3 Rc8 31. Qd2 Qc7 32. Rxa3 Nc3+ 33. Kb2 Nxe4 34. fxe4 Bxe4 35. Rh2 Bf6 36. Rc3 Qb7 37. Qd6 Kxg7 38. Ba6 1-0

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