Thursday, March 16, 2006

SCG Championship - Damljanovic and Pikula are the winners

Serbia & Montenegro chess championship has ended on Sunday March 12th. I had so many things in mind for posting that I have completely forgotten about this event. After strong finish, GM Branko Damljanovic (2615) and GM Dejan Pikula (2530) have tied for the first place with the score of 9/13. GM Pikula should be candidate for the 6th board of SCG Olympiad Team. FM Borko Lajthajm, who was leading most of the race, finished with 7.5 points to earn IM norm.

Final standings:
1-2. GM Dejan Pikula 2530 and GM Branko Damljanovic 2615 with 9/13
3. GM Milos Perunovic Milos 2508 8.5/13
4-5. GM Igor Miladinovic 2607 and GM Bosko Abramovic 8/13
6-7. FM Borko Lajthajm 2464 and GM Miodrag R.Savic 2517 7.5/13
8. GM Aleksandar Kovacevic 2535 7/13
9. GM Bojan Vuckovic 2506 6.5/13
10. IM Branko Tadic 2491 5.5/13
11-12. IM Djordjije Kontic 2355 and GM Nikola Djukic 2523 4/13
13. Marko Krivokapic 2352 3.5/13
14. GM Dejan Antic 2505 3/13

Official website

Branko Damljanovic - Branko Tadic
1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 e6 4. g3 b6 5. Bg2 Bb7 6. O-O Be7 7. Re1 a6 8. e4 d6 9. d4 cxd4 10. Nxd4 Qc7 11. Be3 Nbd7 12. Rc1 O-O 13. f4 Rfe8 14. g4 Nc5 15. Bf2 g6 16. b4 Rad8 17. Bf3 h6 18. f5 e5 19. Nc2 Ncd7 20. Ne3 Rc8 21. Qd3 Qd8 22. Kg2 Nh7 23. Rh1 Ng5 24. h4 Nxf3 25. Kxf3 Nf6 26. Ned5 b5 27. Nxf6+ Bxf6 28. Nd5 bxc4 29. Rxc4 Rxc4 30. Qxc4 Kg7 31. a4 h5 32. g5 Bxg5 33. hxg5 Qxg5 34. Rg1 Bxd5 35. Qxd5 Qf4+ 36. Ke2 Rc8 37. Qd3 d5 38. fxg6 fxg6 39. exd5 e4 40. Qg3 Rc2+ 41. Kf1 Qf5 42. d6 h4 43. Qxg6+ Qxg6 44. Bd4+ Kf7 45. Rxg6 1-0

Dejan Pikula - Marko Krivokapic
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 d6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nf6 6. Be3 a6 7. g4 e5 8. Nf5 g6 9. g5 gxf5 10. exf5 d5 11. Qf3 Bb4 12. gxf6 Nc6 13. O-O-O Bxc3 14. bxc3 Qxf6 15. Rxd5 Qxf5 16. Qg3 Be6 17. Qg7 Rf8 18. Bh6 Ke7 19. Bg5+ Ke8 20. Rd6 Qf3 21. Bg2 Qxc3 22. Bxc6+ 1-0

Branko Damljanovic - Bojan Vuckovic
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 c5 3. d5 g6 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. e4 O-O 6. e5 Ne8 7. h4 d6 8. e6 fxe6 9. h5 gxh5 10. dxe6 Bxe6 11. Ng5 Qd7 12. Qxh5 Bxc3+ 13. bxc3 Nf6 14. Qe2 Bf5 15. f3 e5 16. Be3 Nc6 17. g4 Bg6 18. O-O-O b6 19. Rh6 d5 20. Qh2 Nd4 21. cxd4 cxd4 22. Rxg6+ hxg6 23. Bb5 Qg7 24. Bd2 a6 25. Ne6 Qe7 26. Qh6 Qa3+ 27. Kb1 Kf7 28. Ng5+ Ke7 29. Qg7+ Kd6 30. Bd3 Kc6 31. Qxg6 Qd6 32. Nf7 Qe6 33. Nxe5+ Qxe5 34. g5 Qg3 35. gxf6 Qxg6 36. Bxg6 Rxf6 37. Bh5 Raf8 38. Bc1 Rh8 39. Bg4 Rhf8 40. Rxd4 Rxf3 41. Bxf3 Rxf3 42. Rf4 Rh3 43. Bd2 a5 44. Kb2 Kc5 45. Bc3 1-0

Branko Tadic - Borko Lajthajm
1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 Nf6 3. c4 e6 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. O-O Nc6 7. Nc3 Rb8 8. e4 Be7 9. Qe2 O-O 10. Rd1 b5 11. Bf4 Bb7 12. Bh3 Nb4 13. Ne1 Nd3 14. a3 Nxf4 15. gxf4 c5 16. d5 exd5 17. e5 d4 18. exf6 Bxf6 19. Bg2 Re8 20. Qg4 Rxe1+ 21. Rxe1 dxc3 22. Bxb7 Rxb7 23. Rad1 Qa8 24. bxc3 h5 25. Qxh5 Bxc3 26. Re3 g6 27. Qh4 Bd4 28. Rh3 Kg7 29. f5 Bf6 30. Qh6+ Kg8 31. Qh7+ Kf8 32. Qh8+ Bxh8 33. Rxh8+ Kg7 34. Rxa8 b4 35. axb4 c3 36. f6+ Kh6 37. Rd5 1-0

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