Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chessbase is disgrace

In our last post we have mentioned Teimour Radjabov's interview with APA Sports and expressed belief that translation is wrong and Radjabov was misquoted. Quickly after that, the interview reached chess "mainstream" websites. Having in mind that APA text was somehow controversial, one would expect that serious journalists will double-check what Radjabov really said. boss obviously doesn't care about ethics as he quickly copied APA's awful translation adding more fuel to the fire with demented title "Teimour Radjabov: We all hate Armenians". Later on, after Radjabov had published open letter on ACP website, the title was changed, but the damage to young lad was already done.

What else could we expect from the man that initiates and lives on the scandals. He was the "anonymous Dutch amateur" that filmed Silvio Danailov "giving signals" to Veselin Topalov during Corus tournament. Luckily, the chicanery backfired on him as most of the readership dismissed cheating accusations as stupid and ungrounded.

Fritz sux, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not the first time that Chessbase tries to create a scandal from nowhere. Just to have a few more readers on their website...