Q: What’s the first thing you tell someone who’s learning how to play chess?
A: Chess, I think, is a really good game once you learn the basics. It’s so fun to play. You have to be patient, though. It’s easy to give up when you lose two games.
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner
How to Beat Your Dad at Chess (Gambit chess)
I was at Daniel N's lecture and signing yesterday (I played in the A.J. Fink), and he comported himself well. I dropped a few questions on him about current elite players, namely Max Vachier-Legrave and Luke McShane. Bought a book and asked him what game collections HE found most instructive for his playing and writing. Daniel said Petrosian and Karpov. No surprise there.
I have a question for you: Do you happen to know Tom O'Donnell's email address or tel #? I'm trying to get a hold of him for a few lessons. Thanks in advance. kh
Hi, thank you for the comment.
I have an old address, but I am not sure if it's still active.
Drop me an email and I will send you
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