Monday, June 05, 2006

SCG - Final Cut

This Olympiad was the last event for Serbia & Montenegro. In the future, they will participate as separated teams. Many problems followed this team before and during the Olympiad. Being annoyed by Chess Federation attitude, most of top Grandmasters refused to travel to Turin. IM Zoran Novoselski was appointed as team captain instead of Dragoljub Joksimovic. Italian embassy refused to issue visa for GM Miodrag R.Savic and he was able to join the team only after the 7th round. Italians also refused to extend visa for our 1st board GM Robert Markus so he had to miss last two rounds. Zoran Novoselski used junior Marko Krivokapic only for the first round. Being in deficit with players, this was unexpected luxury by our management.

Serbia & Montenegro men squad finished 37th, possibly the worst result ever. Women's team finished 25th. But there are some good news as well. IM Dusan Popovic had impressive score of 9.5/13 on 4th board which brought him his final GM norm. WGM Ana Benderac continues with excellent play at the Olympiads scoring 8.5/11 as the 1st reserve.

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