Monday, November 06, 2006

Choose your target carefully

Arianne seems to collect grandmasters like a magnet attracts metal filings, yet neither player captured the queen. The object of her affection turned out to be someone other than Aronian or Gormally. He was German GM Arkady Naiditsch, 21. 'Maybe Danny punched the wrong man since I came to the party with Arkady," said Arianne, a member of Australia's female squad.

"We met when I was 13 and she was 12 and we have a mutual attraction," said Naiditsch. "Gormally behaved like a drunken hooligan in a soccer stadium, but he was wise not to attack me because I practised karate for five years."

Read "Pawn Star" by GM Larry Evans. The most complete information about the Gormallygate can be found at The Closet Grandmaster archive.

1 comment:

Pilot said...

Not sure why people fight over this one ... she ain't that pretty!